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Chocolate Pecan Pie

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Chocolate Pecan Pie is a classic American dessert that has graced the tables of many, especially during festive seasons like Thanksgiving and Christmas. This indulgent treat combines the rich, velvety texture of chocolate with the nutty crunch of pecans, all nestled within a flaky pastry crust. It’s a dessert that offers a perfect balance of sweetness and texture, making it a favorite for both chocolate lovers and pie aficionados alike.

The origins of pecan pie are often traced back to the southern United States, where pecans are native and have been used in cooking for centuries. The addition of chocolate is a more modern twist on the traditional pecan pie, which typically features a filling made from pecans, eggs, butter, and a sweet syrup or sugar. Chocolate adds a depth of flavor and a creamy consistency that takes the classic pecan pie to new heights of dessert bliss.

One of the reasons chocolate pecan pie has become so beloved is its versatility. It can be served warm or cold, with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Some prefer it straight out of the fridge, where the chocolate has had a chance to set, giving the pie a firmer texture. Others enjoy it slightly warmed, which makes the chocolate gooey and the pecans even more aromatic.

The contrast in textures is another aspect of chocolate pecan pie that people find irresistible. The crust, typically made from a simple mixture of flour, salt, butter, and water, is rolled out thinly and baked until it’s just golden brown. The result is a base that’s both sturdy and tender, providing the perfect backdrop for the filling. The pecans themselves offer a delightful crunch, a textural counterpoint to the smooth chocolate that envelops them.

When it comes to the chocolate used in the pie, there are options to suit every palate. Dark chocolate will give a more intense, less sweet flavor, appealing to those who prefer their desserts on the bittersweet side. Milk chocolate, on the other hand, provides a creamier, sweeter taste that can make the pie feel even more indulgent. Some recipes even call for a combination of chocolates, allowing for a more complex flavor profile.

The filling of the chocolate pecan pie is where the magic really happens. It starts with melting the chocolate, which is then combined with the other ingredients to create a rich, custard-like mixture. Eggs act as the binding agent, giving the filling its signature texture, while sugar or syrup imparts a caramelized sweetness that complements the natural flavors of the chocolate and pecans.

Presentation-wise, chocolate pecan pie makes a stunning centerpiece on any dessert table. Its glossy filling, studded with pecan halves or pieces, looks elegant and inviting. A dusting of powdered sugar or a drizzle of caramel sauce can add a touch of finesse, though the pie’s rustic charm means it doesn’t need much dressing up to impress.

Nutritionally, like most desserts, chocolate pecan pie is an indulgence. Pecans are packed with healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, but the pie is also high in calories and sugar. Enjoying a slice as an occasional treat rather than a regular part of one’s diet is the best approach for those mindful of their intake.

For those with dietary restrictions, there are ways to adapt the classic chocolate pecan pie. Gluten-free crusts can be made using alternative flours, and vegan versions of the pie are possible with plant-based butter and egg substitutes. Sugar-free chocolates and sweeteners can also be used to cater to those looking to reduce their sugar consumption.

In conclusion, chocolate pecan pie is a dessert that embodies comfort and luxury. Its combination of flavors and textures has earned it a place in the hearts (and stomachs) of many. Whether it’s served at a holiday gathering, a family dinner, or simply as a treat to oneself, this pie is a celebration of simple ingredients coming together to create something truly special. As with any beloved dish, the key to a great chocolate pecan pie lies not just in the quality of the ingredients or the precision of the technique, but in the joy and care that go into making it.

Chocolate Pecan Pie

Indulge in a decadent Chocolate Pecan Pie, a sweet symphony of melted chocolate and crunchy pecans encased in a flaky, buttery crust.
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Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 8 servings


  • 9 inch pie crust
  • 3 eggs at room temperature
  • 1 cup 200g brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons bourbon
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 ½ tablespoons 20g unsalted butter, melted
  • ½ cup maple syrup
  • 2 cups 220g pecans
  • cup 90g semisweet chocolate chunks or chocolate chips


  • Preheat the oven to 350°F (177°C).
  • Blind-bake your pie crust
  • For the filling:
  • Mix the eggs and brown sugar in a large bowl. No need to beat them, just integrate them very well. I use a wire whisk.
  • Add the bourbon and vanilla and mix.
  • Add the maple syrup and melted butter and integrate very well.
  • Add half of the pecans and all of the chocolate and mix.
  • Pour this mixture carefully into the prepared pie crust.
  • Alternatively, you can spread the add-ins (half the pecans and chocolate) on the bottom of the pie and pour the filling carefully.
  • Top with the rest of the pecan pieces and do it quickly, so they don’t start to sink.
  • Bake for about 40 minutes, until puffed but slightly jiggly in the center. It might take a few more minutes or less, depending on your oven.
  • Cool completely on a wire rack.
  • Store leftovers at room temperature for a day, or in the fridge for up to a week. Always well covered to prevent dryness. Bring to room temperature before eating.
Keyword chocolate pecan
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