Taco Seasoning | This Old Baker

Homemade Taco Seasoning

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While it’s easy to grab a pre-made packet off the grocery store shelf, making your own taco seasoning mix at home comes with a host of advantages that can elevate your culinary experience. Let’s unwrap the benefits of going homemade with your taco spices!

1. Full Control Over Ingredients

When you make your own taco seasoning, you become the master of your spice blend. This means you can adjust the levels of each ingredient to suit your taste buds perfectly. Love a bit more cumin or prefer a milder chili powder kick? The power is in your hands. Plus, you can avoid any allergens or dietary restrictions that store-bought mixes might not cater to.

2. No Unwanted Additives

Store-bought seasoning mixes often contain preservatives, anti-caking agents, and other additives that you might not want to consume. By mixing your own, you ensure that what’s going into your food is nothing but pure spice goodness.

3. Cost-Effectiveness

In the long run, whipping up a batch of homemade taco seasoning can be kinder to your wallet. Buying spices in bulk and mixing them yourself is often more economical than purchasing single-use packets every time taco night rolls around.

4. Freshness and Flavor

Spices are most flavorful when they’re fresh, and by making your mix at home, you can guarantee you’re getting the best taste possible. Pre-packaged mixes can sit on shelves for an indeterminate amount of time, which can lead to a lackluster flavor profile.

5. Less Sodium

Many commercial taco seasonings are high in sodium, which isn’t ideal for everyone’s health. When you create your own mix, you can decide how much or how little salt to include, helping you manage your sodium intake without sacrificing taste.

6. Eco-Friendly

Making your own seasoning mix is a small but meaningful way to reduce waste. Instead of buying new packets repeatedly, you can reuse containers to store your homemade mix, cutting down on packaging waste.

7. The Joy of DIY

There’s a certain satisfaction that comes from making something from scratch. Mixing your own taco seasoning is a fun, quick, and easy activity that can also be a learning experience for kids and adults alike.


The next time tacos are on the menu, consider the numerous benefits of going homemade with your seasoning. Not only will you enjoy a tastier, healthier meal, but you’ll also take pride in knowing exactly what’s going into your food. So shake things up and give homemade taco seasoning a try – your taste buds (and your wallet) will thank you!

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